I started attending CSMC when I moved to Cambridge to begin training to become a Minister of Word and Sacrament in The United Reformed Church. I am privileged this academic year to have the opportunity to undertake a placement jointly with Castle Street and Histon.
Is there a women who has inspired you?
One woman who had a great impact on my life was a member of the church that I attended whilst undertaking my Undergraduate Degree -in Ancient History and Archaeology. I suspect she would say that she did nothing special, but I remember her being a lifeline for me when the physical distance between my biological family and myself got too much. She was always there when I needed her, whether that was offering practical advice, on the ground support or just a comforting shoulder.
What advice would you give to women today?
For me, one of the most important things is life is to stay open to new experiences. To be ready to listen, learn and prepared to rethink. My advice, therefore, would be to try to be true to yourself but also reflective enough to notice when what it means to ‘be you’ changes, because I firmly believe that it will.