Castle Street is committed to diversity and inclusion. Young and old; single, married or divorced; people of all nations, languages, abilities, sexuality, and genders can all feel at home. We are registered for both same sex marriages and mixed marriages and welcome any inquiries for weddings, baptisms and funerals. For more information contact the minister.
Our Sunday worship services are weekly at 10am. Our minister is a regular preacher and, when they are not with us, we welcome preachers and other ministers from the local area. Every month we have an all age worship service and other Sundays are a more traditional style – which includes a dedicated children’s sermon before our young people leave us for their own teaching and fellowship led by our Junior Church team. Our services usually last about an hour which is followed by tea and coffee. We celebrate Holy Communion once a month and all are welcome to receive; there are no prerequisites and the wine we serve is non-alcoholic.
The second Sunday of the month we hold an evening service at 6:30pm and are joined by our friends from local churches with whom we have strong ecumenical relations with: Church at Castle.
Our main hymnbook is Singing the Faith and we, occasionally, also use Hymns and Psalms. Words are projected onto a screen for all to see, but we have a braille edition and several large print copies for anyone requiring one as well as a loop system for those with hearing aids.
Level access to the church is via the Sunday worship entrance from the car park. There is also a lift between the church and church hall should you enter via the St Peter’s Street or Castle Street entrances.

Welcome to Cambridge! Wherever your studies take you, know that you’re warmly invited to join us at Castle Street Methodist Church. We embrace progressiveness, championing justice, inclusivity, and diversity. Students play a vital role in our community, but we value you beyond your student status. Here, you’ll discover a supportive family akin to your home church, or if you’re new to faith, a nurturing environment to explore and grow. Whether you’re a freshman, a returning student, venturing out on your own, or a seasoned learner, you’re welcome here. We’re affiliated with the Student Christian Movement, further enriching our diverse community. We also encourage students to lead a Sunday service once a term which is always great fun and an opportunity to explore any callings to preach and serve God in worship.
As a Church we take the safe care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Training needs to be refreshed every four years. Both the Foundation and Advanced modules takes place online. To book see the East Anglia District website. The Safeguarding policy is reviewed annually, to view it please contact the minister. We listen to any concerns and encourage a culture of honesty and openness with safeguarding. All our stewards, pastoral visitors, Sunday School leaders, and office holders have regular DBS checks and safeguarding training.