My life here started in Sunday school, and then moved up into the youth club. And we had an excellent Minister then who took us for membership classes. And that was about my best decision. And the people here kept me gathering all these years.
Can you share a story about a woman who you admire or has had a significant impact on your life?
Well, that would be my mother in law I’m very fortunate to have had Oliver Baker as my mother in law. And she’s been a great help to me. And very quietly, her Christian witness was wonderful. And we used to have chats – used to go for lunch once a week and that was lovely. But there are two other people, actually, that I really admire.
One is Rosalind Franklin, the Cambridge scientist whose work was built on the DNA and she didn’t get the recognition she should have had then. But fortunately, in recent years she has.
And the other one is Christina Lamb, who is an award winning journalist, and war correspondent, and an author and she actually co wrote the book, ‘I am Malala’ with Malala, who was shot because she was going to school in Pakistan.
What are you proud of in your life thus far?
I was very fortunate to be able to do a job that I loved for lots of years, I really did enjoy that.
And the other good decision was marrying John; that’s been super and very proud of our family and what they’ve achieved in their lives. And things that we can do together, it’s been super.
What has stood out as being the biggest and most impactful change in equality?
Well, the women that have come to the forefront. Obviously the Methodist Church had ministers, years before the Anglicans and anyone else so so that that was terrific, I thought.
Also I was a member of a committee for the sort of overseas missions many years ago. and that has now moved so that we have Mission Partners, not missionaries, and the work that they do and All we can the work that they do with local people.
Things have progressed in my working life as well, when I first started work. I mean, you had to apply to your boss if you wanted to get married and continue to work.
And in the lab, we weren’t allowed to wear trousers and that was one of many steps heading in the right direction, I think.
What advice would you give to young women today?
Well, to continue building on what’s already been achieved, because there’s still a long way to go in some areas I think.