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Cambridge Standing Tall 2024

Art can play a role in expressing and exploring core Methodist values, as well as fostering spiritual reflection and connection. From hymns to visual art – such as a sculpture – the Methodist tradition has a rich history of incorporating artistic expression into worship and outreach. By embracing creativity and collaboration, we can continue to make a meaningful contribution to the wider Church and the world around us.

Through its high-profile events, Wild in Art provides a platform for amateur and professional artists to showcase their work. To date, its trails have engaged over 1 million young people in learning programmes, contributed more than £3.8 million to creative communities, and more than £22 million to charities.

In 2024, Wild in Art returns to Cambridge with a fleet of giraffes, big and small, representing the city’s diversity and culture – and this year Castle Street Methodist Church will be on the map too with its very own mini-giraffe!

This towering sculpture trail will be bringing together communities from all corners of the city, encouraging them to look up at the spectacular art on offer – all while supporting Break, a charity working across East Anglia to pave the way for a brighter future for children and young people who have experienced the care system.

Break have a unique promise to all the children and young people in their care: a lifelong offer of support. This means walking alongside young people for however long they need support, standing tall together until they are ready for independence. They’re not just there to find a way through the bad days, but to celebrate the good ones too. 

Being part of an art trail around Cambridge can provide a wonderful opportunity to engage with the wider community and showcase the church’s creative side. We are blessed with a rich and diverse pool of talent in this circuit and we are in the unique position to have such a strong Junior Church too. Art is a universal language that brings people together and inspires them in new ways and we are excited about the project ahead of us. 

Alongside our five-foot figure, we’re also hosting a fundraising Quiz Night on 21st October at Castle Street! Starting at 6.30pm, and including light refreshments, Quizmaster – and resident Giraffe Wrangler – Kirk will be testing your knowledge in a friendly-but-no-doubt-competitive trivia evening. With prizes on offer and minds to be challenged there will be something for everyone, so gather your team mates and block out your diaries as we come together to raise money for Break. Sign up sheets will appear at the end of September for those wishing to participate and for those able to bring a dish to share!

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