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From the minster’s desk – March 2024

March is a time of preparation—the time of Lent as we look towards Easter at the end of the month—and as a church we have lots of things to look forward to s this month’s newsletter can attest to.

On Wednesday 6th March Castle Street coffee morning will be hosting the Museum of Cambridge Museum on a Bike, where they will come with some exciting artefacts for us to look at and handle whilst explaining a bit about their history and where they come from. It’s going to be a great day!

Both churches have made commitments to being a Fairtrade Church: Histon are in the process of re-registering and Castle Street are one step closer. The eagle eyed readers of Castle Street’s weekly notices may have noticed that our logo dropped off for a while when our registration had lapsed, but now we’re back on the wagon! Both churches are making a commitment to support and serve fairly traded products where possible.

Castle Street are having a big spring clean on Saturday 16th March. We’ve had significant problems with our cleaning recently and are in the process of looking for new cleaners. If you have any thoughts or ideas about finding a cleaner, please speak to one of the stewards. In the meantime—we will be having a church family spring clean on this day. Bring your sandwiches and your favourite duster for a fun-filled day!

The toilet/cloakroom redevelopment project at Histon is going from strength to strength. It’s been amazing to see all the fantastic projects with the £10 challenge. If you’ve completed your talent and fundraising, please give the money to Kathryn who will put it in a specific high interest account. We will be having a service in the summer to celebrate our talents, so please do take pictures of what you’ve done and send them to me for that Sunday celebration service. If fundraising is your passion, we have a dedicated fundraising club—I don’t want to call it a committee!—if you’d like to join this, please see Sam Weller for more details. There is something that everyone can do to help this project and, if you don’t believe me, talk to me or Sam and we will happily change your mind!

Please note that if you received an electronic version of the March/April/May plan, there is a small change to the services for Histon: 5th May is a Section Service at Castle Street, not Histon, due to the amazing flower and quilt festival Histon will be hosting. This quarter, there are two Section Services at Castle Street and in another quarter, we will be hosting two at Histon. I have altered all the printed plans in Church to show the right information. It will also be a confirmation service for one of our students at Castle Street, Izzy. Please remember her in your prayers.

We’ve been asked to find an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer for each Church from the Circuit. Denise McMillan from Castle Street has offered to be a Section EDI officer to cover both churches. However, if this is a job you feel passionate about, speak to me about joining this team.

Don’t forget, if you’d like to come to the Methodist Women in Britain’s annual conference where I am the keynote speaker: make sure you book! We’ve a small group from Histon going and it’s going to be so much fun! Details are in the advert in last month’s newsletter or ask Rev Jenny!

During this time of Lent, may you be blessed and find God in new and wonderful ways and the joy of resurrection be in your heart and all you do.

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